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It’s human nature to crave positive feedback. We all like to be told that we are doing our jobs well, that we are making a difference, that none of our efforts are going unnoticed. By the same token, however, few things can sting quite like negative feedback. Yet in this digital age, where everyone is empowered to publish their opinions for good and for ill, negative feedback is all too easy to find.

That’s certainly true for law firms. Hopefully, your legal practice gets mostly positive marks on its Yelp, Google, and Facebook reviews. Sooner or later, though, you’re bound to hear from a disgruntled client—and how you respond to that client makes a world of difference.

Cool Down

In fact, your response to bad reviews can sometimes make things exponentially worse. Getting a one-star rating may seem really awful, but imagine how it will look to potential clients if you respond to that review with a long, all-caps rant.

That may seem like an exaggerated example, but the point is this: It’s natural to get angry about bad reviews, especially when you believe them to be unfair, but responding in anger just makes you look petty. Take some time to cool off before you respond to any negative review.

Show Some Customer Service

When you do respond, view it as an opportunity to show off your customer service skills. Some bad reviews may come from folks who simply like to complain, but most are based on real problems that you can address.

Some specific steps to follow include:

  • Always acknowledge the problem; let the reviewer know that you truly understand what they are saying.
  • Ask how you can make things right. Seek a way that you can make amends with the wronged client.
  • Attempt to de-escalate. Politely offer to move the conversation to a phone call or private email, rather than hashing it out in public.
  • Affirm your commitment to always providing each client with the highest standards of service and care.

These are just some of the basic guidelines you can use to turn bad reviews into customer service opportunities—and in doing so, to potentially turn some of those negative ratings into positives!

You Can’t Force Anyone to Change Their Review

While there is much you can do to redeem those bad reviews, it’s also important to remember that you can’t make someone change their mind about your law firm—nor can you make anyone change a bad review.

While a bad review hurts, it’s not the end of the world. It certainly shouldn’t slow your efforts to build a sterling reputation for your legal practice. To that end, it’s vital to consistently seek out positive reviews from satisfied clients—enough of which can really dampen the impact of the occasional low score.

Make Reviews a Part of Your Marketing Strategy

One thing we recommend is that you consider online reviews as part of your overall law firm marketing strategy. That means actively monitoring and responding to your reviews, as well as soliciting them from faithful clients.

We would love to talk with you more about the big picture of law firm marketing, and about ways to create a sterling reputation for your legal practice. Reach out to the seasoned legal marketing pros at Driven2020 today and let’s brainstorm together about how you can better brand your firm.




Starting a blog can be one of the best marketing decisions your law firm ever makes. Consider some of the benefits of blogging at your firm’s website:

  • It allows you to exhibit thought leadership and industry authority.
  • It educates and informs your clientele, giving them a better grasp on the legal process.
  • It provides you with content for social media, for email newsletters, and beyond.
  • It improves your site’s SEO prospects, as well.

The bottom line: Blogging enhances the reputation of your firm, and it can also provide you with greater search engine visibility. With that said, effective blogging can sometimes feel elusive; here are some tips we’d offer to make your firm’s blog a true marketing asset, not just a boondoggle.

Better Blogging for Your Law Firm

Choose Your Topics Wisely

One of the most challenging aspects of blogging is simply knowing what to blog about. As you consider potential topics, keep these guidelines in mind:

  • Remember your legal niche and stick to it.
  • Blog about things your clients care about—issues or pain points affecting their life.
  • Avoid too much “inside baseball.” Remember, you’re blogging for lay people, not for fellow attorneys.
  • Be willing to blog about tough issues that relate to your field, even the ones other lawyers shy away from; after all, these are probably the issues where your clients need the most help.

Write Compelling Headlines

The headline is arguably the most important piece of each blog post. Why? Because without a compelling headline, nobody is ever going to click, read, or share the post. Some tips for good headlines:

  • Promise value; your headline should let readers know what they can expect to get out of it.
  • Don’t use clickbait or be otherwise misleading; your content should always accurately reflect the title of your post and vice versa.
  • Sometimes the best titles are phrased as questions; in other instances, they simply promise knowledge on a particular topic—e.g., 5 Things to Know When Choosing a Divorce Lawyer, etc.

Use Multimedia

Nobody likes to stare at an all black-and-white screen, so enrich your posts with images, infographics, or even embedded video. The right media will augment your writing, not detract from it.

Format for Easy Reading

You may write the most insightful post in the world, but if it’s presented as one huge chunk of text, nobody’s going to want to read it. Make sure you format your post to be easy on the eyes. Some tips:

  • Keep paragraphs short whenever possible.
  • Use bullet points and numbered lists when appropriate.
  • Include plenty of empty space in the margins, between paragraphs, etc.
  • Use section headings and subheadings to help readers navigate your post.

Be Consistent

This may be the hardest step of all—but for your blog to be effective, you really need to stick to a consistent schedule. Make an editorial calendar in advance, denoting:

  • When new posts need to be written.
  • When new posts will be published.
  • Who is writing each post.
  • Topics/categories for upcoming posts.

Include a CTA

Finally, while the point of your blog posts is to be informative, that doesn’t mean you can’t end with a strong call to action—simply advising readers to call you with any further questions. Make sure to include the appropriate contact info and/or links, as well!

With these guidelines, you’re ready to launch your firm’s blog—and we’d love to help! Reach out to Driven2020 today for questions about legal marketing strategy, content creation, and beyond.


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Content marketing is all about building relationships. By regularly sharing valuable information with your clients, you can earn their trust, win their loyalty, and keep them engaged with your firm over the long haul.

Of course, all of this depends on developing content that’s actually engaging—and that can be easier said than done. Frankly, there can be a tendency for legal content to be dense and dry, or else impenetrable with “legalese.”

It doesn’t have to be that way, however, and there are key guidelines you can keep in mind to ensure that your firm’s content gets the job done.

Keep Your Legal Content Engaging

Define your niche. One of the first things you should do is zero in on your legal sweet spot—the areas of the law where you want to focus your practice. It’s very hard to write engaging content while also keeping things general; finding your niche will allow you to write with specificity, and to address real issues and real pain points.

Know your audience. Ask yourself, what are the pain points your clients face? What are their legal questions, anxieties, or needs? Ideally, your content will help to address them—showing your clients that you speak their language and have the resources to guide them.

Think in terms of value. Good legal content should offer a direct benefit to the user—general tips for estate planning, ideas about what to do if they are in a car accident, a rundown of different kinds of small business contracts, etc. You have to give away some meaningful information to prove to your clients that you have the expertise to assist them. Content that’s vague or lacking in value simply won’t generate any traction.

Keep it readable. It can be challenging for seasoned attorneys to put the legalese to rest, yet doing so is crucial for engaging content. Write as though you were directly communicating with one of your clients, and always try to put things in layman’s terms.

Get to the point. Along the same lines, most clients don’t need you to provide them with complex legal reasoning. What they want to know is what they should do to achieve their desired outcome. As such, the most effective content tends to be direct and succinct.

Distribute your content. You can come up with the best content in the world, and it’s not going to help your engagement numbers a bit if you don’t share it widely. Thankfully, attorneys have many platforms that they can use to connect with their audience, including social media and email marketing.

Pivot to video. Written content can definitely be valuable, but also consider the merits of a quick video. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate; just a minute or two of an attorney talking into the camera, sharing their expertise, can be plenty engaging.

Take questions. Finally, keep track of the questions your clients ask you—and if you get the same question over and over again, that’s a good indicator that it’s a topic people are interested in. Make it the basis for a new piece of content.

Keep Your Audience Engaged with the Right Content

It can be challenging to develop consistently engaging content for the legal profession—but by no means impossible. With these guidelines, you can start developing the content you need to click with your audience.

We’d love to help you with content strategy, creation, and distribution. The first step is calling us for a consultation. Reach out to Driven2020 today and let’s talk!


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There’s real value in online reviews—not just to consumers, but also to businesses.

Consider your law firm. Google reviews from satisfied clients can go a long way toward establishing trust—proving to potential clients that you have the knowledge and the integrity to assist with whatever their legal needs. Attorney-client relationships hinge on trust, and as such, online reviews can be incredibly meaningful.

And there are other ways in which reviews can help—such as with SEO visibility.

Google Reviews and SEO

A recent study finds that businesses ranking on the first page of a Google search have an average review ranking of 4.42 stars out of five—making it clear that positive customer endorsements can really help with your search engine visibility.


The same study finds that only 20 percent of businesses in the top three Google positions have no Google reviews at all—meaning that if your law firm isn’t getting reviewed, you probably shouldn’t count on sky-high rankings.

The upshot of all of this is pretty obvious: When it comes to marketing your law firm, one of the best things you can do is to actively court Google reviews from satisfied clients. The question is how.

How to Get More Reviews

There are a few strategies to consider here.

First and foremost, you can always just ask for reviews. This may sound simplistic, but you’d be surprised what an effective approach it really is. Here’s what we propose: Go over your client list and identify some of your best, most loyal, most satisfied clients—the ones most likely to give you a five-star review.

Then, send each of them a brief email, candidly asking them for their feedback and telling them how much it means to you. Make sure you include a link to your Google profile; you want to make things as easy on them as possible!

More broadly, get into the habit of always asking clients for a review after you work with them on a case. You can do this in a number of ways—by setting up follow-up emails, or by including a link to your review profile on invoices and email confirmations.

It’s also a good idea to have that review link prominently displayed on your firm’s website—maybe on a dedicated Testimonials page. And, you can include it in email signatures as well, along with a brief encouragement for people to supply their feedback.

As your firm starts to see reviews come in, make sure you take the time to respond to them. When you receive positive feedback, a quick thank-you is appropriate. And when you receive negative comments, take the time to let the reviewer know that you hear them, and that you want to do whatever you can to make things right.

The bottom line: You want more reviews, and you especially want positive ones. It’s helpful for knowing how you can improve your legal services, but it’s also a boon to your SEO—making your firm more easily discovered on the Web.

Embrace a Law Firm-Friendly SEO Campaign

Reviews can play an important role in your law firm SEO—but there are other components to consider, as well, including:

  • Website design
  • On-page optimization
  • Social media
  • Citations and backlinks
  • User experience
  • Local media mentions

For help developing and implementing a robust law firm SEO plan, reach out to our experts. Driven2020 has ample experience helping attorneys improve their search engine visibility, and we would love to talk with you about your SEO needs. Reach out to Driven2020 today!



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It’s often remarked that good user experience (UX) will help bring traffic to your website—that when you design your site so that it’s easy to navigate and to extract information from, it helps with everything from search rankings to site referrals. But of course, the inverse is also true: Bad user experience can actually repel users, and send your website visitors scurrying.

What does bad user experience look like? Really, any site that makes it difficult for users to explore is probably not a well-designed one from the UX perspective. With that said, there are a few specific UX failings you’ll want to be sure to avoid.

Avoid These UX Disasters

Ads in the Center of the Page

Have you ever been to a website where there’s a huge ad, positioned right in the middle of the page? If so, then you know how annoying these ads can be. They actually force you to navigate around them just to use the site—and for many users, the effort won’t be worth it. They’ll simply seek what they’re looking for elsewhere.

Slow Loading Time

Similarly, most Web users have little patience for a site that takes ages to load. If your page doesn’t load within four seconds—and ideally even less—then you’re almost certainly losing traffic. You may need to either remove slow-loading elements from your design, or else seek a faster server.

Overly Complicated Web Design

The best sites tend to be the simplest ones: They offer just a handful of options, laid out in a way that makes sense. When you overburden your visitors with different options, you’re not impressing them; you’re just overwhelming them. Make sure your website provides the user with a clear path toward the information he or she is after.

Auto-Play Videos

Here’s another one that you can probably relate to: You visit a site and are surprised to hear audio playing, perhaps drowning out the music you were listening to from your device. You can’t find the mute button, so you just navigate away from the site completely. The bottom line: Nobody really likes auto-play videos. They only serve to frustrate—and as such, they’re best avoided.

Pop-Up Ads

Thankfully, pop-up ads have largely become extinct. They still show up on a few sites, though, and are almost always a detriment to the user experience. Simply put, people associate pop-ups with spam sites. If you want your site to remain credible, you’re wise to ditch the pop-ups.

Poorly Written Copy

The writing on your website is an important element in user experience. You want your writing to be clear in conveying what you do, and what value you offer to the reader. Good writing will also help guide the user through your site, and provide calls to action where appropriate.

Stock Photos

Here’s one that may surprise you. Stock photos may seem fairly innocent, but actually, it’s usually pretty easy to spot them—and they can actually undermine your credibility. Original images are always best, especially for businesses like law firms or accounting agencies, where earning trust is key.

Create a Site Where UX is First

The good news is that all of these pitfalls are avoidable. One way to steer clear of them is to seek guidance from the Web design pros at Driven2020. In fact, when you contact us, we can schedule a full website audit, where we’ll provide concrete ways to make your site more effective—and that includes improving the user experience. Schedule your consultation; contact Driven2020 today!


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SEO is never static. It changes all the time, both due to Google’s constant tweaking and to the general evolution of technology. In the coming months, a few noteworthy trends are likely to stand out, and define all 2018 SEO activity. Here’s a quick rundown.

Mobile-First Indexing

This first one needs a quick clarification. It has long been important for websites to be optimized for mobile users. What’s changed, just in the past few months, is that Google now looks to the mobile version of your website first and foremost; in terms of SEO rankings, your mobile site is even more important than its desktop counterpart.

So what does this mean? If you don’t have a mobile website, or if your mobile website is slow to load, you could see a rankings loss. For all intents and purposes, your mobile website is now your primary website—so invest in it accordingly.

Semantic Search

Google’s ongoing mission is to provide search engine users with helpful, relevant answers to their queries. A big part of that hinges on knowing what it is, exactly, that search users are looking for.  Semantic search—attempts by Google to understand the finer points of user language, and what it says about user intent—demonstrates this.

One practical implication to consider: Generally speaking, a piece of content that delves deep into one specific topic will work better than a page that’s more scatterbrained. Focus on creating blogs and website pages that are true information hubs.

Machine Learning

This third SEO concept is closely related to semantic search. Here’s the short version: If you type a search query that’s a little vague or nebulous, Google will actually employ AI to help figure out exactly what it is you’re trying to find. Its primary machine learning program, RankBrain, is now one of the most significant SEO signals.

The implication, again, is to focus on creating strong, compelling resources that take into account semantic search and user experience. In many ways, it’s best to just think about the end user, rather than get too caught up in the algorithms. Create valuable content, and the rest largely takes care of itself.

Featured Snippets

You’ve seen featured snippets on the Google SERP, even if you didn’t know that’s what they were called. These are Google’s “rich answers”—simple answers to factual queries, embedded within the SERP itself. It’s part of a larger trend for Google to make the SERP itself a treasure trove of information, without any need to click on a specific listing.

Featured snippets occupy invaluable online real estate—so if you can rank for one, that would be handy. Focus on creating topical resources, formatted as tables, bulleted lists, or Q&As, that answer very specific, factual questions.

Voice Search

Finally, any article about 2018 SEO trends must touch on voice search—maybe the biggest game changer of them all. Voice search has become so prominent, it’s actually poised to overtake more traditional search within the next few years.

So what should you do to engage with voice search queries? Mirroring the conversational style in which voice search queries are phrased is a start. And once again, formatting in a Q&A or list format helps, too.

Preparing for the Future

There’s no better way to future-proof your SEO efforts than by getting a broad, comprehensive strategy in place—and that’s something the Driven2020 team can help you with. We’re always on the cutting edge of what works in SEO. Learn more by contacting the Driven2020 team today. Make sure you ask about scheduling a full marketing audit!


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Title tags are some of the most fundamental building blocks of SEO success. If your tags are missing, if they’re duplicates, or if they’re simply not written well, it could compromise your SEO results in a big way—so what do you need to know to get your title tags right?

Defining Title Tags

To begin, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page about what title tags actually are.

Basically, this is an HTML tag that appears in the heading section of each Web page, offering some clue or context as to what the page is all about.

Moreover, the title tag appears at the top of the Web browser, as well as on the Google search results page. Beyond those two places, it’s not actually visible to your website visitors, which is why they are so easily overlooked—yet title tags provide valuable information to the search algorithms. Simply put, they allow you to tell Google what your website is all about.

Writing Effective Title Tags

As for writing good title tags, there are a few factors to consider.


First, you need to know where the page in question fits within the broader context of the website. For instance, the title tag for your About page will probably be a little different than your title tag for a product page.

We recommend starting with a basic site map, showing your page hierarchy. Title tags for top-level pages, like the home page, will need to be fairly broad. Once you get deeper into the site, your title tags can become more specific.


You need to think not just about your website as a whole, but also the content of the page in question. Remember: A good title tag gives a clue what the page is about.

As such, your title tag should be assembled from words, keyword phrases, and ideas that are drawn from the page content—and they should offer a big picture of what the page topic is.


You never want to have duplicate tags—even if you have two pages where the content is very similar. Duplicate tags can actually incur SEO penalties, so make sure yours are always distinct from one another.

If you do have duplicate title tags, you’ll be able to tell from Google Search Console. We recommend taking a minute to review your tags now, and rewrite any duplicates you spot.

User Intent

Another tip: Don’t skip your keyword research. It matters for all phases of content creation, and that includes title tags.

In particular, make sure your title tags include some keyword that match search user intent. What are people looking for when they come to your site? What are the goals they’re trying to accomplish? Those are helpful questions for framing your title tags.


A common question is how long should title tags be? The answer: Around 70 characters. If you go beyond that, Google will truncate your title tag—which means your users won’t see the whole thing on the SERP.

Also, make sure you get important words and phrases at the beginning of your title tag, whenever possible.

Optimize Your Content—and Reach More People

Optimizing your title tags is a small yet crucial way to reach more users. To learn more about boosting your visibility and improving your outreach, contact the Driven2020 team. We’ll help you see the big picture, and to understand how on-page SEO is just one tool for making your website a sales machine.

It all starts with a website audit; contact Driven2020 to schedule your audit today!


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Marketers create content for different reasons, but one of the primary ones is to boost traffic—either through organic search or social media. Getting visitors to your page isn’t the only meaningful marketing metric, but it’s certainly a crucial one—and it’s all but impossible without the right kind of content.

But not all content is created equal, and some types of content have proven themselves remarkably effective at generating traffic. As you plan your own Web content, here are a few traffic-magnet content types to consider.

Content That Brings in Traffic


The tried-and-true list is always a good way to format content. Something about the structure of a list appeals to the human brain; it’s easy to skim a list and glean valuable insights from it. A list of specific apps, tools, resources, etc. is an especially effective form of content.


A well-run webinar, one that considers a truly relevant topic, can accomplish a lot of things at once. It can demonstrate your expertise. It can posit your brand as a solution to customer problems. And, it can bring in a lot of traffic—and not just traffic, but real leads, too. Running a webinar takes effort, but can be amply worthwhile.


Podcasts have a lot of the same benefits as webinars, and like webinars, they take some work to pull off. A good podcast can help you bring in a lot of curious listeners, though, some of whom may even subscribe to future ‘casts.


You’ve probably seen roundup articles on the Web—articles wherein a number of experts each weigh in on a specific topic. Because you’re inviting other thought leaders to participate, you’re likely to get a boost from their own traffic sources, which makes roundup content effective. Just using a simple email survey, you can try to get feedback from your peers, then format it into a treasure trove of expert information.


Interviews with industry experts work for much the same reason that round-ups do—not only are you demonstrating your status within your field, but you can leverage the traffic-generating channels of the person you interview. Plus, most industry experts are flattered when you request to interview them—so it could lead to a positive, long-term relationship.


An ebook alone may not be enough to generate traffic—but if you can position it as something truly valuable, and promote it well through social media and your company email list, a good ebook can certainly bring in visitors.

Product Reviews

Consumers use the Web to research their purchasing decisions, and product reviews are always a hit. You might consider reviewing products that are related to your industry—weighing in on the pros and cons of each, from your vantage point of industry expertise.


Finally, if you’re able to produce some original research—even survey results—that say something about your industry or niche, that can certainly draw some eyeballs. Original research isn’t something you can put together overnight, but it can be well worth the time and effort required.

Develop Content That Brings in Traffic

This list is by no means exhaustive. Truthfully, there are a lot of creative ways to generate traffic. The key is finding the one that makes the most sense for your business.

That’s something Driven2020 can help you with. We’re old pros at using content as the centerpiece of an immersive marketing campaign; we can show you how great content works within the big picture. Let’s start that conversation today. Give Driven2020 a call at your next convenience!


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Search engine optimization is constantly evolving. The new year is sure to bring new opportunities, as well as new challenges; due to changes in technology, changes in consumer search behaviors, and even changes to Google’s algorithms, SEO professionals must show constant vigilance and flexibility.

There’s no time like now to start preparing your SEO efforts for whatever 2018 may bring. Start by reading up on some of the key trends that are poised to shape the year. Here are some of the ones the Driven2020 team is keeping an eye on.

Voice Search/Digital Assistants

Thanks to Siri, Alexa, and other virtual assistants, voice search is on the rise—and in fact, it’s predicted to become the dominant search methodology by 2020.

If you’ve read anything at all about current SEO trends, this probably comes as no surprise to you—but the question is, how can you make sure you’re accommodating the needs of voice search users? A couple of thoughts:

  • Optimize your content for natural-language, conversational queries—including statements and questions. While a more traditional text-based search might be, “Justin Timberlake wife,” a voice search is more likely to be something like, “Who is Justin Timberlake married to?”
  • Aim for the answer box—position zero on the SERP. Here’s what makes the answer box position so important: If there is an answer box listing for the voice search query, that’s the content that will be read aloud to the user. You can aim for this prominent position by making use of numbered lists, bullet points, and tables, or by formatting your content in a Q&A style.

Link Building

Link building is one of the most tried-and-true SEO practices—but it’s changed and evolved a great deal in recent years. What’s popular today is linkless link building—which might at first seem like a contradiction in terms.

A linkless link is one where your brand is mentioned/cited on a page without an actual hyperlink present. This may not sound valuable, but actually, it’s an increasingly important Google ranking signal. Getting these linkless links—as well as a few well-earned and high-quality hyperlinks—is crucial to your SEO efforts.

How is it done? There’s no easy answer here. The best way to get links is to work on long-term relationships with other bloggers or brands. Additionally, create the kind of customer experience that builds brand prestige and gets people talking about your company all over the Web.

Mobile-First Indexing

Here’s one more way to prepare your SEO for 2018. Google has long encouraged the development of mobile-friendly sites—but now, it’s actually necessary to prioritize your mobile page over its desktop equivalent. The reason for this is simple: Google now uses the mobile site as its primary ranking signal.

Some general tips for ensuring that your mobile website is firing on all cylinders:

  • Make sure it’s fast! If it takes more than three seconds to load, it’s not fast enough.
  • Ensure responsive design; the user should not have to do a lot of scrolling, squinting, or resizing just to see your content.
  • Remove any content types that don’t work on mobile devices—CSS, certain image types, etc.
  • Write content that’s succinct and easy to ready even from a mobile device.

Are You Ready for 2018?

As you seek to ready your marketing efforts for the new year, make sure you’re getting the right guidance. Driven2020 stays on top of all the latest SEO trends, and we can help you develop an adaptable and future-proofed SEO plan. Start that conversation today: Contact the SEO experts at Driven2020!


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Even brick-and-mortar businesses need SEO. In fact, we’d almost say that especially brick-and-mortar businesses need SEO. Here’s why: When consumers in your neighborhood want to find a good local business—whether a law firm, hairdresser, pizza place, or discount electronics store—they turn to the Web. What they find in Google’s local search listings determines which nearby company they take their business to—simple as that.

You’ve got to be findable to local customers; you’ve got to stand out from the crowd of your competition. In this post, we’ll show you how.

Local SEO Tips to Help Your Business Be Found

Write Strong Meta Data

The Google Search Engine Results Page (SERP) doesn’t give you much space to make a case for yourself—so you’ve got to seize the opportunity. Make sure each page of your website has a strong meta title and meta description. Include your business name, keywords, a call to action, and a value proposition.

Ensure Consistent NAP

NAP stands for name, address, and phone number. You want to have this information displayed consistently across every page of your site, as well as on social media profiles, etc. To reiterate, consistency is key!

Earn Local Citations

Getting links from credible, local directories can really help with your rankings. Seek opportunities on the local Chamber of Commerce page, industry-specific directories, and more. In addition, sites like Yelp, Foursquare, Citysearch, and MerchantCircle provide good citation opportunities for you.

Start a Google My Business Page

This is a free tool that Google offers to make your business more easily discoverable on the Web—so there’s no reason not to make use of it. Make sure you fill out the profile completely. Add keywords as naturally as you can. Don’t forget NAP information!

Get Some Reviews

Reviews on online review sites—and on Google, in particular—help with your rankings. Make it easy for customers to leave you feedback. Include a link to your review profile on your company website. Also consider asking for reviews on receipts and invoices, or in your email newsletter.

Use Schema Markup

This one may require you to get some help from your Web developer, but it’s worth it. Schema markup can provide Google search engine users with additional information about your company, such as hours of operation, location, and current Google star rating. Include it if you can!

Aim for More Time on Site

The more time people actually spend on your website, the more it helps your search engine rankings. The best way to increase time on site is through giving people content that engages them. Blog posts work well, and video works even better!

Include Plenty of Links

Invite readers to explore your site further; include internal links to relevant/related pages. Don’t go overboard, but do add some subtle, internal navigation wherever you can. External links, to authoritative websites, can also help enhance your page’s SEO potential.

Ensure Your Site Loads Quickly

Do a speed test. If it takes you more than four seconds to get the page fully loaded, there’s a problem—and you need to discuss it with your Web developer right away! More and more, slow-loading pages are being actively penalized by Google.

Step Up Your Search Engine Optimization

There are always further enhancements you can make to your SEO efforts. We’d love to audit your site and make some specific recommendations—all with the purpose of making your website highly visible and truly competitive. Start that process today. Reach out to Driven2020 for a full digital marketing audit.