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How to Keep Your Law Firm’s Content Marketing Engaging

Content marketing is all about building relationships. By regularly sharing valuable information with your clients, you can earn their trust, win their loyalty, and keep them engaged with your firm over the long haul.

Of course, all of this depends on developing content that’s actually engaging—and that can be easier said than done. Frankly, there can be a tendency for legal content to be dense and dry, or else impenetrable with “legalese.”

It doesn’t have to be that way, however, and there are key guidelines you can keep in mind to ensure that your firm’s content gets the job done.

Keep Your Legal Content Engaging

Define your niche. One of the first things you should do is zero in on your legal sweet spot—the areas of the law where you want to focus your practice. It’s very hard to write engaging content while also keeping things general; finding your niche will allow you to write with specificity, and to address real issues and real pain points.

Know your audience. Ask yourself, what are the pain points your clients face? What are their legal questions, anxieties, or needs? Ideally, your content will help to address them—showing your clients that you speak their language and have the resources to guide them.

Think in terms of value. Good legal content should offer a direct benefit to the user—general tips for estate planning, ideas about what to do if they are in a car accident, a rundown of different kinds of small business contracts, etc. You have to give away some meaningful information to prove to your clients that you have the expertise to assist them. Content that’s vague or lacking in value simply won’t generate any traction.

Keep it readable. It can be challenging for seasoned attorneys to put the legalese to rest, yet doing so is crucial for engaging content. Write as though you were directly communicating with one of your clients, and always try to put things in layman’s terms.

Get to the point. Along the same lines, most clients don’t need you to provide them with complex legal reasoning. What they want to know is what they should do to achieve their desired outcome. As such, the most effective content tends to be direct and succinct.

Distribute your content. You can come up with the best content in the world, and it’s not going to help your engagement numbers a bit if you don’t share it widely. Thankfully, attorneys have many platforms that they can use to connect with their audience, including social media and email marketing.

Pivot to video. Written content can definitely be valuable, but also consider the merits of a quick video. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate; just a minute or two of an attorney talking into the camera, sharing their expertise, can be plenty engaging.

Take questions. Finally, keep track of the questions your clients ask you—and if you get the same question over and over again, that’s a good indicator that it’s a topic people are interested in. Make it the basis for a new piece of content.

Keep Your Audience Engaged with the Right Content

It can be challenging to develop consistently engaging content for the legal profession—but by no means impossible. With these guidelines, you can start developing the content you need to click with your audience.

We’d love to help you with content strategy, creation, and distribution. The first step is calling us for a consultation. Reach out to Driven2020 today and let’s talk!

